Technology Edge

TransRisk workflow is simply intuitive and practically robust in nature. Built on latest Microsoft Stack, TransRisk stores all the data for future use – whether it is transactions / VaR / prices.
Interactivity & Interface Design
From creating a rule to managing data to viewing reports, TransRisk
provides a user friendly interface that is easy to learn and use.
The reports are built on a SSRS framework that enables easy
customization of reports based on the business needs. OLAP reports
provides an interface where a chart can co-exist with a graph. All the
modules are developed taking the usability of the end user into
“Many Roles One Risk Management System”. Flexibility from the technological frameworks enables each user is unique. Each user can have his/her custom reports, dashboards, limits and data. Even a user can have his preferred choice of VaR methods to conduct stress testing while the organisation may have a standard approach. Despite the system address niche area under management, TransRisk can easily adoptable from front office through middle office to back office.
“Many Roles One Risk Management System”
TransRisk built on robust ASP .Net 2.0 Platform with SQL Server as the backend. Designed as N-tier architecture with advanced security features of .Net
Customization & Connectivity
TransRisk technology allows high level customization. Net exposure engine can be customized to calculate net exposure based on client’s business process. Configure custom settings for risk calculation, data access and can also control access of providing TransRisk features.
The interfaces, dimensions & reporting options of TransRisk can be customized by individual users to efficiently deliver risk analysis that meets the diverse requirements of different roles. This tailored approach provides actionable inputs and enables better, faster support for firms to manage their risk.
“Right Data To Right Employee”
Data To Right Employee”. TransRisk is role based access system. Our
technology provides greater controlled access and security to data.
The flexible architecture of TransRisk allows seamless integration with source systems for position and price data which enables a quick setup for TransRisk. This stands TransRisk as a rapid deployment solution aimed at bringing speed, predictability and affordability to risk assessment process. Also, secured access is ensured by providing admin user with the ability to create and amend user security for access, authentication and authorization.
“All Position Data In One Place”
All Position Data In One Place. TransRisk provides flexibility of connecting various ERP / Trading systems and/or a third party data provider or by direct upload using an excel file and act as central exposure cockpit system.